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Boost Your ROI with ad:personam Contextual Targeting

Reach Your Audience Effectively with Contextual Targeting Across Multiple Formats with ad:personam Self Serve Programmatic DSP

ad:personam Self Serve contextual targeting
CTV Categories
Content Categories
Contextual Segments
Audience Profiles
Contextual Advertising Solutions

Show your ads on the right websites at the right time using contextual targeting.

With contextual advertising, you don’t have to rely on cookies to determine how relevant your messages are. Instead, what matters is the context in which your ads appear.

Keywords Topics

Real-time content targeting based on selected topics provided by Peer39 and Eyeota's cookieless segments.

Content Categories

Website domains grouped according to IAB classification for easy and accurate targeting of ad campaigns.

Weather Advertising

Ad display based on selected weather conditions for more effective and relevant contextual targeting.

Contextual Programmatic Advertising

What is Contextual Targeting

Contextual targeting is a programmatic advertising strategy that involves delivering ads to consumers based on the context of the content they are viewing online. It allows advertisers to display relevant ads to their target audience in a non-intrusive way, increasing the chances of user engagement and conversion. With contextual targeting, ads are displayed based on factors such as the content of the webpage, the type of device being used, and the location of the user. This means that the ads are more likely to be seen by consumers who are interested in the product or service being offered.

contextual targeting for programmatic advertising

Benefits of Contextual Targeting

Increase User Engagement and Brand Safety with ad:personam's Self Serve Programmatic DSP

Higher Relevance and Engagement

Contextual targeting enables advertisers to display ads to users who are interested in their products or services, leading to higher engagement rates. By showing ads that are relevant to the content a user is viewing, advertisers can increase the chances of users clicking on their ads and taking action. This, in turn, leads to higher conversion rates and ROI for advertisers.

Increased Brand Safety

Contextual targeting can help to increase brand safety by ensuring that ads are displayed in appropriate contexts. By using content categories or keyword topics, advertisers can avoid displaying ads in contexts that may be harmful to their brand.

Future-Proof Advertising

Contextual targeting is a future-proof advertising strategy that does not rely on third-party cookies or personal data. As the advertising industry moves away from third-party cookies, contextual targeting will become increasingly important as a way to target ads to the right audience without relying on personal data.

Cost-Effective Advertising

Contextual advertising can be a cost-effective way to reach a target audience. By showing ads only to users who are interested in a particular product or service, advertisers can reduce wastage and avoid spending money on ads that are unlikely to be effective.

Boost Your Ad Performance and ROI with ad:personam's Contextual Targeting Solutions

Cost-Effective, Safe, and User's Privacy-Friendly Programmatic Campaigns Without Third-Party Cookies.

smart template


ad:personam's Smart Templates provide a hassle-free solution to set up and launch ad campaigns using Keywords Topics. With privacy-friendly cookieless segments provided by Peer39 and Eyeota, and DoubleVerify, ad:personam's Contextual Template allows users to select specific topics they wish to target in real-time

display advertising platform for contextual targeting
content categories targeting

Content Categories

ad:personam's Smart Templates simplify the process of launching ad campaigns using Content Categories. With websites domains and apps grouped according to IAB classification, ad:personam's Content Categories Template enable advertisers to target their campaigns accurately and efficiently.



ad:personam's Smart Templates provide an easy-to-use solution for launching ad campaigns based on specific weather conditions, such as sunny, rainy, or snowy. With ad:personam's Macro Template , advertisers can serve macro-level ad experiences that are more relevant and timely to their audience.

weather targeting

Advanced Contextual Targeting Features for Better Campaign Performance

Power Up Your Ad Campaigns with ad:personam's Contextual Targeting Tools

Brand Safety

ad:personam's brand safety feature utilizes DoubleVerify and Peer39's brand safety segments to ensure users' ads appear only on high-quality websites aligned with their brand values. This feature prevents ads from being displayed on inappropriate websites and protects brand's reputation.

Domains Lists

ad:personam's Domains Lists feature lets users upload allow/blocklists of domains to target the right websites, increase relevancy, and reduce wasted spend. This feature gives users control over where their ads are displayed and ensures their ads appear only on high-quality, relevant websites.

Cookieless Segments

ad:personam's cookieless segments provides privacy-friendly and cost-effective targeting options by utilizing Peer39, DoubleVerify, and Eyeota's segments. This feature enables users to target audiences based on interests and behaviors without violating their privacy, improving campaign effectiveness and achieving better ROI.

Ready to take your targeting to the next level?​

Get started today with ad:personam Self Serve DSP