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Connected TV for scale, engagement and full-screen branding

Create presence, prime the audience and drive engagement through connected tv advertising

ad:personam Self Serve DSP for connected tv advertising
CTV Advertising Solutions

Expand your brand presence beyond desktop and mobile screens.

Connected TV gives you the ability to engage consumers in a new and powerful way. With the ability to provide immersive, full-screen experiences, it enables your brand to create more engaging and memorable interactions with your target audiences.

CTV Programmatic Advertising

What is Connected TV Advertising (CTV)

Connected TV or CTV advertising refers to the practice of delivering targeted advertisements to viewers who are streaming video content through internet-connected devices such as smart TVs, streaming boxes, or gaming consoles. CTV Programmatic advertising enables advertisers to leverage programmatic buying and real-time bidding to reach their target audience on the big screen. With CTV, advertisers can deliver personalized and engaging ads to viewers while they enjoy their favorite streaming content. Connected TV presents a unique opportunity for advertisers to capture the attention of viewers in a highly engaging and immersive environment, ultimately driving brand awareness, customer engagement, and campaign success.

ctv connected tv advertising

Benefits of Connected TV Advertising

Unlock the Power of Connected TV Advertising for Unparalleled Reach, Engagement, and Results

Engaging and Immersive Ad Experiences

Connected TV offers a captivating and immersive viewing experience, allowing advertisers to deliver visually appealing and engaging ads on the big screen. With larger display sizes, high-quality video, and interactive ad formats, connected TV advertising creates memorable brand experiences that captivate viewers and drive stronger brand recall and engagement.

Transparent Ad Delivery

CTV advertising offers increased transparency and accountability. Advertisers have more control over where their ads are displayed and can ensure that their brand messaging appears in a trusted and brand-safe environment. With access to ad verification and measurement tools, advertisers can verify ad delivery, view performance metrics, and ensure campaign effectiveness, fostering trust and confidence in the advertising ecosystem.

Amplified Brand Awareness

Connected TV presents a unique opportunity to enhance brand awareness and recall. With the ability to deliver targeted ads during premium content, advertisers can make a lasting impression on viewers. The combination of high-quality visuals, compelling storytelling, and strategic ad placements helps to reinforce brand messaging, leading to stronger brand recognition and recall among the audience.

Data-Driven Insights

Connected TV advertising enables advertisers to access robust data and analytics, providing valuable insights into ad performance and viewer behavior. This data-driven approach allows advertisers to measure campaign effectiveness, optimize targeting strategies, and make informed decisions to drive better results. Real-time tracking and reporting capabilities empower advertisers to adjust their campaigns on the fly, ensuring maximum impact and ROI.

Boost Your Ad Performance and ROI with ad:personam's Connected TV Advertising

Unlock the full potential of CTV advertising and achieve optimal results for your campaigns

smart template

Connected TV (CTV)

Our CTV smart templates streamline the setup process, allowing you to quickly launch targeted CTV campaigns without any hassle. Leveraging cookieless segments provided by Peer39, you can precisely target the content of the video where your ad is shown and target specific device platforms such as Roku, Apple TV, and more. With ad:personam's advanced features, you can unlock the full potential of Connected TV advertising and achieve optimal results for your campaigns.

connected tv advertising campaigns

Advanced Connected TV Advertising Features for Better Campaign Performance

ad:personam's targeting features empower your Connected TV (CTV) advertising campaigns with precise content category and device platform targeting

Brand Safety

ad:personam's brand safety feature utilizes DoubleVerify and Peer39's brand safety segments to ensure users' ads appear only on high-quality websites aligned with their brand values. This feature prevents ads from being displayed on inappropriate websites and protects brand's reputation.


ad:personam's targeting features empower your Connected TV (CTV) advertising campaigns with precise content category and device platform targeting. Strategically deliver ads that align with specific video content themes and tailor your ads to specific CTV platforms

Hosted Ad serving

ad:personam's Hosted Video ad serving feature offers a cost-effective solution with advanced reporting capabilities. By upload video ads, advertisers can consolidate their ad serving process into a single source, eliminating the need to pay ad serving fees to multiple parties.

Ready to take your targeting to the next level?​

Get started today with ad:personam Self Serve DSP